Where is Kazan located?
Kazan is located in the European part of Russia. It is the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan, the major port, and one of the biggest cities in the Volga Region. Kazan is a home to 1,251,969 residents representing more than 100 nationalities.
How far is Kazan from Moscow?
Kazan is 820 km east from Moscow (an hour flight). Find out more about the city on the Kazan page.
What is the summer weather in Kazan like?
The average temperature in summer is +17 to +20 °C. The local summer is relatively warm or hot. August in the capital of Tatarstan is a sunny and dry month. However, although it's still warm in the city during the day, after the sunset it's getting cool.
Which places are worth visiting in Kazan and beyond?
For a list of recommended sights to see in Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, please visit the Sights page.
Visitors coming to attend the WorldSkills Competition have the opportunity to book tours from the Official WorldSkills Kazan 2019 Licensee – Kazan Tourist Information Centre. To learn more, please see the Tours page.