Where are the WorldSkills Juniors skill areas located?
The WorldSkills Juniors and WorldSkills Kazan 2019 skill areas are the same. Follow the skill name signage to locate the WorldSkills Juniors skill areas. To learn more, please find a detailed map of Kazan Expo on the Venue map page and in the official mobile app.
When will WorldSkills Juniors take place?
WorldSkills Juniors will be held on 23-26 August. The WorldSkills Juniors award ceremony will take place on 26 August at 17:00-19:00 (concert hall, cluster A, Kazan Expo). For more detailed schedule, please visit the Competition programme page.
How do I get to the WorldSkills Juniors award ceremony?
Please send a request to ticket@worldskillskazan2019.com. The tickets for the WorldSkills Juniors award ceremony are free, but the number of seats is limited.