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Leaders of change selected for participation in WorldSkills Kazan 2019

Official events

04.04.2019, 14:56


The All-Russian online selection of the leaders of change for participation in the national track of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 Conference Programme has been launched. Authors of the best solutions in the field of education will create a map of key development projects of the national training system.

In August 2019, Kazan will become the world capital of professional excellence: the 45th WorldSkills Competition 2019 will take place from 22 to 27 August 2019. About 1500 Competitors from 69 countries will compete in 56 Skills. The WorldSkills Kazan 2019 is the largest international event in Russia in 2019.

Participants of the WorldSkills Kazan 2019 Conference Programme will be included in the current global agenda in the field of staffing support and will see the best global practices and tools for developing skills. The conference will bring together representatives of 80 countries of the WorldSkills movement – leaders who from the global agenda for staffing support of the economies of the future.

Participation in the Conference Programme will also be available for the finalists of the All-Russian Selection. At the same time, “Development of the national system of education and training” project session will be organized for them. In addition, they will be given an opportunity to present projects to national stakeholders and become part of the “Leaders of the development of the national training system” professional community.

All Russian residents ready to present their projects, ideas and initiatives are invited to participate in the selection without any age restrictions. They should be aimed at developing a training system by means of the WorldSkills tools and approaches. Also, projects focused at creating network models of education, new training formats, and educational products are accepted.

Applications are accepted through the online platform until 25 April 25 2019. Participants will be informed about successful completion of the selection on 13 May. Full-aged finalists with secondary vocational or higher education will be able to participate in the advanced training programme “Leaders of the National Education and Training System representing the WorldSkills Academy Russia”. It will be held as part of the Conference Programme of the Final of the 7th National “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Competition. Participants will receive advanced training programme completion certificates of a standard form.

The selection procedure is organized by the Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Union, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects (ASI), ANO Russia is a Country of Opportunities and University of Scientific and Technical Information 20.35. More information on the selection conditions can be found at

Press Office of Young Professionals (WorldSkills Russia) Union