Web Technologies
Web designers plan and design, as well as test websites, maintaining them, incorporating third party platforms, and integrating social media platforms. Web design is a key skill in a world that increasingly places social media at the heart of a modern platform.
The fundamentals of this skill include knowledge of, and expertise in, the technology and codes behind websites, user interface planning, usability design and site administration. Creative skills are also important; the use of colour, layout and graphics on the finished pages can define a successful website. To excel, web designers must also have a strong grasp of copyright law and a well-developed personal code of ethics. In addition, understanding cyber security is increasingly relevant. Good communication skills, coupled with research techniques and a grasp of target audiences, markets and trends will ensure initial client satisfaction and credibility for web designers.
Web designers can become self-employed, or can work for a web design agency. Employment of professionals in this area is expected to grow faster than the average for all occupations. Demand will be driven by the growing popularity of mobile devices and expansion of ecommerce.
Competitors and results
Un-Ho Lee
Pranav Udayark Nutalapati
Nicolas Ettlin