Floral designers or florists create bouquets, arrangements, and other types of floristic works with the help of flowers, leaves, plants, and accessories. It is a talent that combines artistry and technical skills.
Successful florists understand the principles of design, aesthetics, composition, and colour to capture the mood of the customer. Floral designers must be able to source, purchase, and store floral materials, which by their nature are fragile and short-lived, as well as have good client communication and relationship building skills. Floral designers are always aware of current floristic trends and are able to produce designs for different seasons, occasions, and events.
Florists are often self-employed or work on commissioned projects, from hotel and retail displays to formal occasions. The need for floral designers will increase due to a growing demand for floral arrangements at events such as weddings, official events, birthday celebrations, and anniversaries.
Competitors and results
Julia Katharina Leitgeb
Lisa Hilpold
Elizaveta Shkimbova
Yiwei Lu