Cyber Security
Information security analysts work to protect an organization’s computer systems networks, to prevent hackers from accessing and/or stealing sensitive information and data. They are often employed by IT service providers, banking and financial services, government agencies and healthcare companies.
The job of information security analysts typically involves installing firewalls and data encryption software to protect confidential information. They monitor their organization’s network for security breaches and investigate a violation when one occurs. Information security analysts are also often involved in designing and executing their organization’s disaster recovery plan, which describes the steps and procedures to restore proper function of an organization’s IT systems and networks after an attack. Information security analysts must keep themselves up-to-date to stay one step ahead of potential cyber-attackers. They need to keep abreast of the latest methods attackers are using to infiltrate computer systems, as well as new security technologies that can help their companies counter these threats.
The recent years have witnessed an explosive growth of online business transactions, as well as rapid adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing. Coupled with security threats that continue to grow in complexity and frequency, cyber security professionals are now in great demand globally.
Competitors and results
Viktor Legostaev
Dmitrii Titov
Zitong Xiao
Zhutian Feng
Raissa Marcon Constante
Jean Carlos Nicoletti Novak
Devesh Logendran
Chan Hong Koh