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Future Skills

Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that involves the use of a huge number of devices (things) interacting not only with the human, but also with each other, as well as with other information systems.

Internet of things specialists need to possess the skills of system engineering, data processing systems development, data visualization, and user interface design for controlling systems.

Internet of things specialists can create distributed control systems for devices located at a considerable distance from each other, including in different parts of the world, using cloud technologies.

Internet of Things is a crucial driver for digital transformation and is a foundation for future smart businesses.

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Fun facts

The term “IoT” came into use in 1999, but Internet things appeared much earlier, for example, ATMs connected to the network appeared in the 1970s, and a modified Coca-Cola vending machine was introduced in 1982.

In 2018, the number of devices connected to the Internet reached 27 billion, which makes 4 devices per person living on the Earth.

In 1926, Nikola Tesla said in an interview that in the future, the radio would be converted into a “huge brain,” all things being particles of a whole, and the instruments enabling all of this would easily fit in your pocket.


Vitaly Anishchenko


Yingqiu Chang


Pu Gong


Xuanqi Gong


Xinxin Jin


Anatoly Karman


Elizar Ospennikov


Filipp Pan


Yuriy Sachik


Alisa Turaeva



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